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Designed Art Workshop

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Co-facilitated with SAIC art therapy students and designed the NAAAP art workshop
Facilitated the group of Asian and Asian-American professionals who experienced stress, microaggressions, and discrimination in their line of work. Invited attendees to participate in meditation activities, exchange their thoughts and experiences, and make art.

Multi-Media and Interview Project


Co-facilitated with SAIC art therapy students and hosted the multi-media portraiture and interview project regarding mental illness.

Invited participants who experience neurodiversity and/or mental illness who has a story to tell.

In the workshop, facilitators played the role of artists, listened to participants' stories, and collaborated with participants on how they would like artists to portray their images.

Infographic for Educational purpose
in Ethical and Legal Issue class (MAATC-Fall 2022)

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The introspection, an internal desire for integrate with otherness

Person-centered approach


Making art in an open studio with elements from the surroundings

The power dynamic of staring within society

Introspective Documentation (10 days)

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