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Dream Diary

The place where I travel alone.

Surrendered. (2021)

As their faces were stitched together, they began to open slowly when they saw me and they began to reveal their true selves.

I could not run away, rather I surrendered to their power, it was like the monsters from hell, my scream vanished into thin air in this world.

Stigmatization (2022)

After 45 years of paying my freedom for what I committed. The world changed, and I became untalented, useless, and invisible.

Reassembling my pieces has become overwhelming. Walking and standing have become impossible, and the door of opportunity no longer accepted who am I.

Conversation with the death (2022)

The truth is we cannot run away from death. It always pursues us. At first, I was terrified. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I begged. As death told me, there is no need for me to beg for life, my time hasn't come yet. Until we meet, spend my time building up those rocks because they will be things that remain in the world after the time when death caught me.

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