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Collage Illustration Art.

Somewhere out there, you shielded me from the darkness.

Some things under my skin, moving, trying to shred me apart. 

I was mumbling in the dark, growing increasingly lonely in these parts.  

I shout out in the loudest way possible, but no one listens. My voice has never been heard. 

It was a freezing night in the darkness. As I began to sink into the blue, your finger reached out to me.

It was yours, the pianist's finger shape... gentle but settled.

It started at my waist, climbed up to my neck, and ended at my face.

When your hand caresses my fright, the wall I've built to shield myself from the darkness begins to crumble.

It's the first time I'm feeling the warmth of the night.

Something is observing us from behind. Fortunately, I have you to shield my eyes.

Nothing can harm me as long as you embrace and let me wail.

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